CakeResume Job Search

Logo of 凱特納科技股份有限公司.
凱特納科技為 Web3 AI 資安新創公司,我們期望在蓬勃發展的 Web3 領域中,能夠提供一個完整的安全服務方案,從數位資產保護、合約安全都是我們想要深耕的方向,將會藉由多年的資訊安全技術經驗
The employer was active environ 6 heures ago
Logo of TonFura.
Our Mission: Build Telegram Mini Apps Seamlessly on TON Blockchain 💎 TonFura is a world-class developer platform designed to make building Mini Apps on the TON blockchain easy and seamless. We believe that blockchain technology will bring new possibilities to Mini Apps, providing users with a more secure, transparent, and efficient user experience. 👉 Join Beta Program: 👉 Join our channel: Core features of the TonFura platform include: Seamless user experience
The employer was active environ 7 heures ago
Logo of Zeus Network.
Zeus Network stands at the forefront of innovation as a cutting-edge, permissionless communication layer that seamlessly connects the Solana and Bitcoin blockchains. Our first product, Apollo, is designed to revolutionize liquidity dynamics on the Solana Blockchain by introducing zuBTC—a native asset pegged 1-to-1 to BTC. Not only does Apollo serve as a pioneering solution for unlocking BTC liquidity, but it also offers a secure and decentralized custodial service. This custodian empowers liquidity providers (LP) to maximize
The employer was active environ 11 heures ago
台灣台北市信義區基隆路一段 380 號 10 樓
Logo of 勝星科技有限公司.
致力於先進區塊鏈技術研發的新創軟體公司 2021年10月成立,提供客戶高品質的區塊鏈技術研發服務 我們相信台灣有最好的人才及技術,足以面向國際市場需求 工作地點:捷運中山站走路3分
The employer was active environ 19 heures ago
Logo of Teahouse Finance.
關於茶室(Teahouse Finance) Teahouse Finance 是一個由智能合約驅動的去中心化金融(DeFi)資產管理平台,致力於提供安全且靈活的資產管理服務。投資者可以根據自身的風險承受能力,從各種低風險、中風險、和高風險策略
The employer was active environ 6 heures ago
No. 210, Section 3, Nanjing E Rd, Zhongshan District, Taipei City, 台灣 104
Logo of 紅樓創新技術股份有限公司.
紅樓創新技術股份有限公司 是一間區塊鏈的新創公司,團隊成員都抱持著新創公司勇於面對挑戰、解決問題的精神。 紅樓創新融合web3區塊鏈技術與社交影響力圖譜,來鼓勵消費場景中的消費者
The employer was active 5 jours ago
Logo of 亞太滿譽科技有限公司.
※關於我們 亞太滿譽科技有限公司成立於2020年,我們是一家對於區塊鏈仍具有熱情與想像的新創公司,期盼做為數位金融服務佼佼者,在台灣設立辦公室作為亞太地區的重要據點,並同時在新
The employer was active environ 20 heures ago
Logo of Crypto-Arsenal(奇策智能雲端股份有限公司).
號外!Crypto-Arsenal 從全球頂尖的 1,300 家新創中脫穎而出,錄取世界知名 Berkeley SkyDeck 加速器第 14 梯隊的 18 家新創之一(錄取率 1.38%),是 2022 年亞洲唯一一家錄取的新創公司,台灣第一家區塊鏈新創! Crypto-Arsenal 是由一群國
The employer was active environ 8 heures ago
Logo of Matters Lab.
Matters Lab was established in 2018. Our initiatives include using decentralization tools to protect digital rights, designing a self-governing system and community, and inventing models for a new creator economy. Starting from the community, Matters Lab is exploring the next generation of distributed content ecosystems, which need more solid product and technology exploration and faster iteration. Who We Are? In 2019, Matters was selected for one of the largest accelerators in Taiwan and Southeast Asia, AppWorks. In 2020, Matters
The employer was active 7 jours ago
Logo of 拓荒資本股份有限公司.
#About None Group ? None Group是一間專注於區塊鏈落地應用的集團,範圍涵蓋了數位媒體、支付金融、消費紀錄等場景,希望能運用技術創新,持續優化用戶體驗,並創造更有趣的商業應用! 這裡聚集了一群對 Web3 充
The employer was active environ 11 heures ago

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