Brand Strategist 品牌策略顧問

Job updated about 1 year ago

Job Description

DDG is seeking an experienced brand strategist to join our Strategy Team. The role comprises leading DDG clients in the shaping of their brand and business strategies, growing our strategy offerings, and collaborating closely with DDG’s creatives to turn strategy into tangible results.

You are the ideal candidate for this role if:

- You have a minimum of six years of working with business leaders to shape business, brand, and marketing strategies.
- You have a keen interest in business, a broad knowledge of the workings of a variety of industries, proven business acumen, and a passion for businesses of all shapes and sizes.
- You have an in-depth understanding of the Taiwan market and an appreciation of global markets.
- You are experienced in market analysis, business planning, strategic planning, brand positioning, market research, etc.
- You have experience organizing and leading small and large organizations in workshops designed to develop business and brand strategies.
- You are experienced with qualitative and quantitative research and can quickly assess which research techniques best suit a given project.
- You have a knack for organizing vast amounts of information and enjoy critical analysis of complex topics.
- You can take complex situations and simplify them to help others make decisions and find consensus.
- You have extensive experience presenting to senior leaders of organizations and are confident speaking in public.
- You are proficient in creating well-structured and highly informative reports and presentations.
- You excel at independent work and relish the opportunity to lead and collaborate with others.
- You are a critical thinker, fast learner, and challenge taker.
- You are fluent in both Mandarin and English (oral and written).



- 六年以上協助領導品牌及專業經理人建構品牌及行銷策略之相關經驗。
- 具商業思維與豐富產業知識,對各種形式及規模的品牌事業都抱持興趣。
- 對台灣市場有深入瞭解,且長期關注國際市場脈動。
- 熟於產業分析、品牌定位、策略擬定、通路訪談、行銷推廣等實務經驗。
- 曾經為大中小型組織籌辦企業策略或主持品牌策略工作坊。
- 對質化和量化研究有豐富經驗,並可快速評估最適合特定專案的研究技術。
- 善於處理大量資訊並能對複雜議題進行關鍵分析與洞察。
- 能夠簡化複雜情況,幫助他人達成共識與決策。
- 有對組織資深主管報告的豐富經驗,且在大眾面前能自信演說。
- 良好的提案組織架構及簡報能力。
- 能夠獨立作業,並且能夠領導其他團隊夥伴、與他人合作。
- 善於邏輯思考,快速學習並樂於接受挑戰。
- 中英文說寫流利。

- 針對專案進行產業分析與質化/量化研究。
- 主持策略工作坊,帶領討論並形成共識。
- 為企業建構完整的品牌策略並提供經營與行銷相關建議。
- 帶領跨部門專案團隊一同解決客戶問題,並確保成品符合品牌策略方向。
- 與客戶維持良好的信賴關係。


For the ideal candidate we offer:

- The opportunity to work with some of Taiwan’s top brands and leading companies.
- Challenge and opportunity to grow your career in brand consulting.
- Genuine work-life balance.
- A comfortable, creative and spacious working environment.
- Competitive salary and profit-sharing opportunities for the right candidate.


Interview process

求職者請附上 cover letter,reseme,並提供兩年內執行過的策略相關作品。

10 years of experience required
65,000 ~ 80,000 TWD / month
Managing staff numbers: not specified
Personal Invitation Link
This is your personal referral link for job invitation. You'll receive an email notification when someone applied for the position via your job link.
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About us

DDG方策是一家結合策略性思考、國際化視角和突破性創意的品牌顧問公司。我們透過品牌策略為客戶找出隱而未顯的價值,以創意協助客戶具體化品牌的各種面貌,包含視覺設計與公關行銷的內容規劃與操作。在20多年間,我們提供全方位品牌策劃與執行方案,協助了數百個品牌提升品牌競爭力,打入目標市場,持續與企業共創品牌成長。 DDG長年協助台灣企業國際化,也促使DDG多次得到國際獎項REBRAND 100®的認證,也是大中華區首次入選REBRAND名人堂(REBRAND Hall of Fame™)的顧問公司。DDG更致力於在台灣本土推廣Branding的觀念與價值。除了定期於媒體上分享品牌經營趨勢與觀點,更常與主流媒體和各大組織合作,如經理人、商研院(CDRI)、數位時代、台灣精品品牌協會(TEBA)等,進行品牌相關議題的演講與對談,持續引領台灣品牌思維。
At DDG, we help ambitious companies unveil their greatness — uncovering insights and opportunities that energize brands and businesses. DDG is a Taipei-based brand consulting company with extensive experience in strategic brand consulting and creative design-for-branding solutions for over 25 years. We combine insightful strategy with inspiring design, creative communications to deliver powerful ideas that transform the way companies think, work and connect with their customers. For more information please visit:

「Unveil greatness(發現不凡)」 一直是 DDG 所相信的價值,它促使我們持續提高做事的標準,幫助我們看到更多品牌的可能性,也不斷激發DDG工作同仁自身的潛質。


優良工作環境: 便於溝通也利於獨立工作的開放性賦能式辦公室(Empowered Office)、室內綠化植栽、包括策略/溝通內容/設計等藏書區、每樓層皆備有舒適員工休憩區域、SAYL Chair個人人體工學椅、專供咖啡/水果/零食等綜合吧台、獨立手工工作檯面、每周固定外聘清潔人員…等。 福利津貼: 三節禮金、結婚禮金、生育禮金、醫療慰問金、滿年資獎金、員工小額無息貸款。 學習領域: 公費參與外部訓練活動及相關課程、購置各人所需應用軟體、DDG DAY Presentation、各部門專案經驗分析workshop。 

豐富休閒娛樂: Drink & Think Event、部門聚餐、每季公司活動、帶小孩上班。


Mid-Senior level
55K ~ 60K TWD / month